
Easy and convenient access to relevant documents: MHP has implemented a digital consumer corner in its retail stores

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MHP has implemented a digital consumer corner with QR codes in its retail stores, which provides easy and convenient access for customers.

MHP has introduced a digital consumer corner in its retail stores, UNN reports citing the company's press service.


The digital consumer corner was implemented in Myasomarket stores and Döner Market safe fast food outlets.

The company abandoned the bulky paper consumer corner and replaced it with a modern tool with a QR code with a link to the website. Instead of a lot of paper documents, all the necessary documents are posted there in electronic form so that every customer has access to complete information about the seller and safe conditions for the circulation of products.

"This is a continuation of MHP's strategy of honesty and openness with its customers, which is the key to long-term relationships between the producer/seller and the consumer.

The digital format of the consumer corner allows us to comply with legal requirements and at the same time provide consumers with easy and convenient access to up-to-date documentation.

If the consumer does not have a smartphone, the employees of the establishments will help and scan the code with their smartphone so that the consumer can read the information," MHP said.

The company reminds that the presence of a consumer corner in retail and catering establishments is a legal requirement for consumer protection.

"However, institutions often do not have enough space to place a stand, it may not look aesthetically pleasing, and there is a constant need to physically update outdated documents with up-to-date ones.

The digital approach has made it possible to monitor the availability and relevance of all documents in real time and update them in minutes if necessary," the statement said.

The company plans to share this tool with its franchise partners in the near future to create a digital corner in their outlets across Ukraine.


MHP is an international food and agro-technology company, a producer of high-quality and tasty food products that improve the lives of consumers. The company develops more than 15 food brands, including Nasha Ryaba, Appetitna, Legko, Bashchynsky, Skott Smeat, LaStrava, RyabChick and others. Together with its partners, the company has opened 1,500 retail outlets of various types across Ukraine. This is the Myasomarket chain of stores.

Lilia Podolyak

Business News