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Ukrainian judoka Daria Bilodid will miss the World Championships: what is known

Ukrainian judoka and Olympic champion Daria Bilodid will miss the 2024 World Judo Championships in Abu Dhabi due to a minor injury sustained on the eve of her departure.

Sports • May 17 2024, 10:41 AM  •  15015 views
Ukrainian judoka Daria Bilodid will miss the World Championships: what is known

There are generators and solar panels: Shmygal assured that the hospitals and TsNPy will work

Despite the power outages, Ukrainian citizens will have access to medical, social and public services as the government ensures energy autonomy for critical institutions through generators and solar power plants.

Society • May 17 2024, 10:37 AM  •  13898 views
There are generators and solar panels: Shmygal assured that the hospitals and TsNPy will work

Drones, generators and ammunition: Lithuania hands over new aid package to Ukraine

Lithuania has provided Ukraine with a new military aid package, including ammunition, anti-drone systems, UAVs, generators, and folding beds.

War • May 17 2024, 10:34 AM  •  15336 views
Drones, generators and ammunition: Lithuania hands over new aid package to Ukraine

About 5,000 Ukrainians affected by Russian aggression evacuated for treatment abroad

About 5,000 Ukrainians affected by Russian aggression have been evacuated for treatment abroad thanks to cooperation between the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the European Commission and the WHO over more than two years of full-scale war.

War • May 17 2024, 10:24 AM  •  21233 views
About 5,000 Ukrainians affected by Russian aggression evacuated for treatment abroad

British intelligence: shoigu's resignation as russian defense minister will not change the course of the war in ukraine

Andrei Belousov, an economist with no military experience, has replaced Sergei Shoigu as Russia's defense minister, but British intelligence does not expect this change to significantly affect Russia's approach to the war in Ukraine.

War • May 17 2024, 10:16 AM  •  13123 views
British intelligence: shoigu's resignation as russian defense minister will not change the course of the war in ukraine

Pipeline rupture near Ocean Plaza shopping mall: police open criminal proceedings

Police have opened a criminal case against Kyivteploenergo officials over embezzlement of budget funds during the reconstruction of heating networks in Kyiv, including the area where the pipe burst on Antonovycha Street.

Kyiv • May 17 2024, 10:15 AM  •  20499 views
Pipeline rupture near Ocean Plaza shopping mall: police open criminal proceedings

The amount of spending on the defense and security sector is growing significantly, the Ministry of Finance does not rule out budget revision

Due to delays in the delivery of military equipment, defense spending is growing significantly, which could potentially lead to a budget revision to provide additional funding for the security and defense sector.

War • May 17 2024, 10:14 AM  •  18433 views
The amount of spending on the defense and security sector is growing significantly, the Ministry of Finance does not rule out budget revision

Orban calls for prayers for Fico and calls Slovak PM's attacker a left-wing activist

The condition of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fitzo remains serious. The fact that Fitzo is fighting for his life was noted by the head of the government of of Hungary, Viktor Orban. He also referred to the attacker Juraj Cintula as a ‘left-wing activist’, ignoring that this was a translation error.

News of the World • May 17 2024, 10:11 AM  •  16742 views
Orban calls for prayers for Fico and calls Slovak PM's attacker a left-wing activist

OpenAI signs agreement to train AI on Reddit data

OpenAI has signed an agreement with Reddit to use the site's data to train AI models, and OpenAI CEO Sam Altman owns a significant stake in Reddit.

News of the World • May 17 2024, 10:11 AM  •  16745 views
OpenAI signs agreement to train AI on Reddit data

Update of military data: the Ministry of Internal Affairs told whether a certificate of no criminal record is required

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine has stated that a certificate of no criminal record is not required to update military records.

Society • May 17 2024, 10:10 AM  •  14130 views
Update of military data: the Ministry of Internal Affairs told whether a certificate of no criminal record is required