
russia vetoes UN resolution to prevent an arms race in space

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The russian federation vetoed a UN Security Council resolution aimed at preventing an arms race in outer space and promoting the peaceful use of outer space.

russia's veto blocks the UN Security Council resolution on the deployment of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction in space. This is reported by Anadolu Ajansı, UNN reports.


An attempt to adopt a UN Security Council resolution aimed at preventing an arms race in outer space and promoting the peaceful use of outer space was blocked by russia.

In New York, the 15-member Council met to vote on the resolution. The results of this vote were as follows: 13 votes were in favor, China abstained, and a terrorist country vetoed the resolution.

During the vote, russian representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzia called the draft "limited and politically motivated," pointing out that it did not reflect the views of all members. nebenzia demanded that the text of the resolution be amended.

After the veto, U.S. Representative to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield expressed surprise and questions about Russia's motives.

So today's veto raises the question: why? Why, if you follow the rules... do you not support the resolution that confirms them? What could you possibly be hiding? It's embarrassing and it's a disgrace

- said Linda Thomas-Greenfield.


The draft resolution called on member states to comply with international law and the UN Charter, to promote the peaceful use of outer space and to prevent an arms race. Particular emphasis was placed on the obligation of member states to refrain from placing nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction in space.

рф може накласти вето на резолюцію ООН щодо запобігання гонці ядерних озброєнь у космосі24.04.24, 23:05


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